.. _aot-compilation: Ahead-of-Time compilation ========================= .. currentmodule:: numba.pycc .. class:: CC(extension_name, source_module=None) An object used to generate compiled extensions from Numba-compiled Python functions. *extension_name* is the name of the extension to be generated. *source_module* is the Python module containing the functions; if ``None``, it is inferred by examining the call stack. :class:`CC` instances have the following attributes and methods: .. attribute:: name (read-only attribute) The name of the extension module to be generated. .. attribute:: output_dir (read-write attribute) The directory the extension module will be written into. By default it is the directory the *source_module* is located in. .. attribute:: output_file (read-write attribute) The name of the file the extension module will be written to. By default this follows the Python naming convention for the current platform. .. attribute:: target_cpu (read-write attribute) The name of the CPU model to generate code for. This will select the appropriate instruction set extensions. By default, a generic CPU is selected in order to produce portable code. Recognized names for this attribute depend on the current architecture and LLVM version. If you have LLVM installed, ``llc -mcpu=help`` will give you a list. Examples on x86-64 are ``"ivybridge"``, ``"haswell"``, ``"skylake"`` or ``"broadwell"``. You can also give the value ``"host"`` which will select the current host CPU. .. attribute:: verbose (read-write attribute) If true, print out information while compiling the extension. False by default. .. decorator:: export(exported_name, sig) Mark the decorated function for compilation with the signature *sig*. The compiled function will be exposed as *exported_name* in the generated extension module. All exported names within a given :class:`CC` instance must be distinct, otherwise an exception is raised. .. method:: compile() Compile all exported functions and generate the extension module as specified by :attr:`output_dir` and :attr:`output_file`. .. method:: distutils_extension(**kwargs) Return a :py:class:`distutils.core.Extension` instance allowing to integrate generation of the extension module in a conventional ``setup.py``-driven build process. The optional *kwargs* let you pass optional parameters to the :py:class:`~distutils.core.Extension` constructor. In this mode of operation, it is not necessary to call :meth:`compile` yourself. Also, :attr:`output_dir` and :attr:`output_file` will be ignored.