====================== Release Notes ====================== Version 0.6 -------------- * Python 2.6 support * Programmable typing * Allow users to add type inference for external code * Better NumPy type inference * outer, inner, dot, vdot, tensordot, nonzero, where, binary ufuncs + methods (reduce, accumulate, reduceat, outer) * Type based alias analysis * Support for strict aliasing * Much faster autojit dispatch when calling from Python * Faster numerical loops through data and stride pre-loading * Integral overflow and underflow checking for conversions from objects * Make Meta dependency optional Version 0.5 -------------- * SSA-based type inference * Allows variable reuse * Allow referring to variables before lexical definition * Support multiple comparisons * Support for template types * List comprehensions * Support for pointers * Many bug fixes * Added user documentation Version 0.4 -------------- Version 0.3.2 -------------- * Add support for object arithmetic (issue 56). * Bug fixes (issue 55). Version 0.3 -------------- * Changed default compilation approach to ast * Added support for cross-module linking * Added support for closures (can jit inner functions and return them) (see examples/closure.py) * Added support for dtype structures (can access elements of structure with attribute access) (see examples/structures.py) * Added support for extension types (numba classes) (see examples/numbaclasses.py) * Added support for general Python code (use nopython to raise an error if Python C-API is used to avoid unexpected slowness because of lack of implementation defaulting to generic Python) * Fixed many bugs * Added support to detect math operations. * Added with python and with nopython contexts * Added more examples Many features need to be documented still. Look at examples and tests for more information. Version 0.2 -------------- * Added an ast approach to compilation * Removed d, f, i, b from numba namespace (use f8, f4, i4, b1) * Changed function to autojit2 * Added autojit function to decorate calls to the function and use types of the variable to create compiled versions. * changed keyword arguments to jit and autojit functions to restype and argtypes to be consistent with ctypes module. * Added pycc -- a python to shared library compiler