
Numba supports closures (nested functions), and keeps the variable scopes alive for the lifetime of the closures. Variables that are closed over by the closures (cell variables) have one consistent type throughout the entirety of the function. This means differently typed variables can only be assigned if they are unifyable, such as for instance ints and floats:

def outer(arg1, arg2):
    arg1 = 0
    arg1 = 0.0      # This is fine
    arg1 = "hello"  # ERROR! arg1 must have a single type

    arg2 = 0
    arg2 = "hello"  # FINE! Not a cell variable

    def inner():
        print arg1

    return inner

Calling an inner function directly in the body of outer will result in a direct, native call of the closure. In the future it is likely that passing around the closure will still result in a native call in other places.

Like Python closures, closures can be arbitrarily nested, and follow the same scoping rules.

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