Talks and Tutorials =================== .. note:: This is a selection of talks and tutorials that have been given by members of the Numba team as well as Numba users. If you know of a Numba-related talk that should be included on this list, please `open an issue `_. Talks on Numba -------------- * AnacondaCON 2018 - Accelerating Scientific Workloads with Numba - Siu Kwan Lam (`Video `__) * `DIANA-HEP Meeting, 23 April 2018 `__ - Overview of Numba - Stan Seibert Talks on Applications of Numba ------------------------------ * PyData Berlin 2018 - Extending Pandas using Apache Arrow and Numba - Uwe L. Korn (`Video `__, `Blog `__) * SciPy 2018 - UMAP: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for Dimensional Reduction - Leland McInnes (`Video `__, `Github `__) * GPU Technology Conference 2016 - Accelerating a Spectral Algorithm for Plasma Physics with Python/Numba on GPU - Manuel Kirchen & RĂ©mi Lehe (`Slides `__) * `DIANA-HEP Meeting, 23 April 2018 `_ - Use of Numba in XENONnT - Chris Tunnell * `DIANA-HEP Meeting, 23 April 2018 `_ - Extending Numba for HEP data types - Jim Pivarski * STAC Summit, Nov 1 2017 - Scaling High-Performance Python with Minimal Effort - Ehsan Totoni (`Video `__, `Slides `__) Tutorials --------- * SciPy 2017 - Numba: Tell those C++ Bullies to Get Lost - Gil Forsyth & Lorena Barba (`Video `__, `Notebooks `__) * GPU Technology Conference 2018 - GPU Computing in Python with Numba - Stan Seibert (`Notebooks `__)