2.8. Deviations from Python semantics

2.8.1. Integer width

While Python has arbitrary-sized integers, integers in Numba-compiled functions get a fixed size (either through type inference, or from an explicit specification by the user). This means that arithmetic operations can wrapround or produce undefined results or overflow.

2.8.2. Boolean inversion

Calling the bitwise complement operator (the ~ operator) on a Python boolean returns an integer, while the same operator on a Numpy boolean returns another boolean:

>>> ~True
>>> ~np.bool_(True)

Numba follows the Numpy semantics.

2.8.3. Global and closure variables

In nopython mode, global and closure variables are frozen by Numba: a Numba-compiled function sees the value of those variables at the time the function was compiled. Also, it is not possible to change their values from the function.

To modify a global variable within a function, you can pass it as an argument and modify it in place without the need to explicitly return it.


This document needs completing.