.. _numba-envvars: Environment variables ===================== Numba allows its behaviour to be changed by using environment variables. Unless otherwise mentioned, those variables have integer values and default to zero. Errors and warnings display --------------------------- .. envvar:: NUMBA_WARNINGS If set to non-zero, printout of Numba warnings is enabled, otherwise the warnings are suppressed. The warnings can give insight into the compilation process. Debugging --------- These variables influence what is printed out during compilation of :term:`JIT functions `. .. envvar:: NUMBA_DEBUG If set to non-zero, print out all possible debugging information during function compilation. Finer-grained control can be obtained using other variables below. .. envvar:: NUMBA_DEBUG_FRONTEND If set to non-zero, print out debugging information during operation of the compiler frontend, up to and including generation of the Numba Intermediate Representation. .. envvar:: NUMBA_DUMP_BYTECODE If set to non-zero, print out the Python :py:term:`bytecode` of compiled functions. .. envvar:: NUMBA_DUMP_CFG If set to non-zero, print out information about the Control Flow Graph of compiled functions. .. envvar:: NUMBA_DUMP_IR If set to non-zero, print out the Numba Intermediate Representation of compiled functions. .. envvar:: NUMBA_DUMP_ANNOTATION If set to non-zero, print out types annotations for compiled functions. .. envvar:: NUMBA_DUMP_LLVM Dump the unoptimized LLVM assembler source of compiled functions. Unoptimized code is usually very verbose; therefore, :envvar:`NUMBA_DUMP_OPTIMIZED` is recommended instead. .. envvar:: NUMBA_DUMP_FUNC_OPT Dump the LLVM assembler source after the LLVM "function optimization" pass, but before the "module optimization" pass. This is useful mostly when developing Numba itself, otherwise use :envvar:`NUMBA_DUMP_OPTIMIZED`. .. envvar:: NUMBA_DUMP_OPTIMIZED Dump the LLVM assembler source of compiled functions after all optimization passes. The output includes the raw function as well as its CPython-compatible wrapper (whose name begins with ``wrapper.``). Note that the function is often inlined inside the wrapper, as well. .. envvar:: NUMBA_DUMP_ASSEMBLY Dump the native assembler code of compiled functions. .. seealso:: :ref:`troubleshooting` and :ref:`architecture`. Compilation options ------------------- .. envvar:: NUMBA_OPT The optimization level; this option is passed straight to LLVM. *Default value:* 3 .. envvar:: NUMBA_LOOP_VECTORIZE If set to non-zero, enable LLVM loop vectorization. *Default value:* 1 (except on 32-bit Windows) .. envvar:: NUMBA_ENABLE_AVX If set to non-zero, enable AVX optimizations in LLVM. This is disabled by default on Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge architectures as it can sometimes result in slower code on those platforms. .. envvar:: NUMBA_COMPATIBILITY_MODE If set to non-zero, compilation of JIT functions will never entirely fail, but instead generate a fallback that simply interprets the function. This is only to be used if you are migrating a large codebase from an old Numba version (before 0.12), and want to avoid breaking everything at once. Otherwise, please don't use this. .. envvar:: NUMBA_DISABLE_JIT Disable JIT compilation entirely. The :func:`~numba.jit` decorator acts as if it performs no operation, and the invocation of decorated functions calls the original Python function instead of a compiled version. This can be useful if you want to run the Python debugger over your code. GPU support ----------- .. envvar:: NUMBA_DISABLE_CUDA If set to non-zero, disable CUDA support. .. envvar:: NUMBA_FORCE_CUDA_CC If set, force the CUDA compute capability to the given version (a string of the type ``major.minor``), regardless of attached devices. .. envvar:: NUMBA_ENABLE_CUDASIM If set, don't compile and execute code for the GPU, but use the CUDA Simulator instead. For debugging purposes.