Supported Atomic Operations =========================== Numba provides access to some of the atomic operations supported in CUDA, in the :class:`numba.cuda.atomic` class. Those that are presently implemented are as follows: .. automodule:: numba.cuda :members: atomic Example ''''''' The following code demonstrates the use of :class:`numba.cuda.atomic.max` to find the maximum value in an array. Note that this is not the most efficient way of finding a maximum in this case, but that it serves as an example:: from numba import cuda import numpy as np @cuda.jit def max_example(result, values): """Find the maximum value in values and store in result[0]""" tid = cuda.threadIdx.x bid = cuda.blockIdx.x bdim = cuda.blockDim.x i = (bid * bdim) + tid cuda.atomic.max(result, 0, values[i]) arr = np.random.rand(16384) result = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64) max_example[256,64](result, arr) print(result[0]) # Found using cuda.atomic.max print(max(arr)) # Print max(arr) for comparision (should be equal!)